
choo damn in love wf him...!!

i mish him alotz..!! really..!! ohh choo cold here in my bed..wish u r here to hug me..!! :'(
i mish da time when were webcam-ing n noe i juz feeling blurr when my heart is not taken by u ..
when u will came to me ? ohh i wished ur here beside me..but i was thinkin if one day i meet u...da first thing i do is to hugz u very tightly with all my heart..!!! n u will feel how much i love u here..!!!

xoxo , by me


.:: CHUPY FACE..!! ::.

haii, ahaa...here me..nicaa..n fyqah here duin sily tinx..tat tym im bored ytaa jady childish sekajaps..ahaa..~ heres my cutie bebe gurl..! ohhs sorry im too bidaa ryt there..~ ahaha.!!xD n sorry some pix nda trng bnar~ hehe...n tdy tuu bru blik drii brayaa at chinese house huhu...n later at nyt im goin too chung hua sko0L wf fwens..~ sooo toodles..ive many things too doo..!! daa..~ (^^,)